Sonora CA Landscaper
Best Nursery in Tuolumne County
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Sonora, California
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Garden Art 95370

Decorative Pots
We carry a selection of beautiful pots by AW Pottery, Giannini Garden, and Campania International! These unique pots can be planted in or used as decoration around your property. They are made to last for years to come, through the cold of winter and blazing sun of summer. A decorative pot can add a whole new look to your yard and there are many sizes and styles to choose from! Click here to see our Pots Catalog* and feel free to contact us if you would like more photos or have any questions. *Catalog is updated fairly regularly, some items may no longer be available.

Unique Statuary
Around the nursery you'll find unique garden statuary by Giannini Garden and Campania International. These garden ornaments including water fountains, planters, benches, bird baths, small animals, and more!
From pots and cherubs to benches and fountains, each piece is unique and adds a one-of-a-kind look to any garden!
Click here to see our Statuary Catalog*
*Catalog is updated fairly regularly, some items may no longer be available.

Handcrafted Yard Art
We proudly carry beautifully handcrafted yard art by Jack's Yard Art and Steve Southerland of Cow Camp Art!
Add a unique look to your property with a decorative stake, chime, or hanging piece. There is a variety of beautiful yard art to choose from!
Inventory changes often. Stop by the nursery to browse our yard art selection.